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Jonathan DeFranco

Hi, I'm Jonathan de Franco, and today I'm here to tell my testimony in favor of the "CORNELIUS ESOTERIC STUDY".

Last September (2015) I broke up with my girlfriend, let me start by saying that our story began way back in 2001 so we have been together for quite a few years. As I said before, since last September she had started traveling to Florence because of a new job, and I only saw her on weekends (this lasted about until mid-November).

Then amid various quarrels she moved away and we never saw each other again, (the usual period of reflection) "she said", when instead she had been talking for some time with a boy from Florence as well as her colleague.

Wandering around the web I found various fortune tellers, who stole a lot of money from me, fake rituals and various bullshit such as talismans etc etc ..
Finding Cornelio's blog I was very intrigued by how it appeared, by the various testimonies of many people who found themselves in the same situation as me, and given the previous ones I had, I wasn't very convinced, but I wanted to try, so I wrote to him my story. I was contacted a few hours later by a studio consultant, I had everything explained to me, and I told my story in detail…

I was advised a very powerful ceremony, which consists of the two of them separating, and returning to me. Within 2 days we started, I'm seeing the results now because as a job it was quite difficult, but now thanks to second people I learned that Daniela (my girlfriend) was free again, we started dating again, and I'm happy again.

We started with the study in the second week of December, within two months I found my smile again, of course there is still a long way to go, but the results are goosebumps!

I am really satisfied with the work that has been done to me, and with the treatment received from Mr. Cornelio and his operators.
You are great professionals.

Thank you!

This is only the first part of my testimony, when the job is done I will write the happy ending.
For now I wanted to be yet another person who thanks those who work SERIOUSLY and HONESTLY!

Thank you so much… My money with you was well spent!

Last September (2015) I broke up with my girlfriend, I'll start by saying that our story began way back in 2001 so we've been together for quite a few years...


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